"If you bring forth what's within you, what's within you will save you. If you don't bring forth what's within you, what's within you will destroy you." -- Gospel according to Thomas
I am a mystic, artist, musician and I have visions that are connected to my temporal lobe Epilepsy, which is the catalysts for the art! Each piece is a record of a vision that has occurred during some event and I have over 5,000 drawings, paintings, and sculptures. I was in a coma when I was a child, four years old and when I awoke my mind was erased and my visions began and have continued to the present day. I am a musician and music was all I had to express my inner being until I begin creating art in the late 1970's. I began with my journals and then later began to draw, paint and sculpt. What I created I also "danced", in other words I conducted a ceremony around all the works in order to internalize their contents. I would spend a great deal of time in the mountains where I was living at the time walking and seeking my energy. I went public with my art in 2005. Thank you for visiting my site, and I hope you enjoy my artwork.
-Myron Conan Dyal